Welcome to RIVERVIEW

Each One
Bring One
Let's Do Our Part!
Invite Someone to Church! 


Last Updated 02/08/2025

Let's Pray About it Flyer

Good afternoon,

Happy Saturday. Please see the attached bulletin for Communion Sunday Worship Service on 2/9/25. Join us for Sunday Service at 11am via...

· Riverview Baptist Church RVA Facebook page for livestreaming our worship services. To receive Facebook notifications, you must “Like” the page. Click to Go To RVA Page 

· Riverview Baptist Church on YouTube.

· Conference Call at 1-202-926-1127 - Access Code 572890. Should you choose to call, after being joined into the conference, please MUTE your phone.

· In-person at Riverview Baptist Church. Masks are optional. Continue to be safe.

· Noonday Bible Study - Wednesdays @ 12noon. (Join by phone only)
Conference Call line (202) 926-1127 Access Code 572890

· Bible Study & Prayer Service – Wednesdays @7pm (Join by Zoom or phone)
Join by Zoom: Hold the Ctrl button on your keyboard and click Join our Cloud HD Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video an...

Or join by phone: 1-929-205-6099 or 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 826 1872 3381#
Participant ID: Press #
Passcode: 441841#

Please remember to support Riverview with your tithes and offerings. You may mail or drop them off at the church or use the Givlify app (Church School, Adopt-A-Pew, Missionary, Benevolent offering, Bible Study, etc.). You may also use Zelle (access with our email address RiverviewBapt@Verizon.net). Be sure the list where you want the funds credited. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

If you have “Good News” to share with us, please send me an email at mizbree@yahoo.com.

Have a blessed, safe, and amazing weekend!!!

God bless,



Riverview Ensemble Rehearsal – Monday, February 10 – 3:00 p.m. and Saturday, February 15 – 12:00 p.m.

Attention Church Family
There will be a called Church Meeting on Sunday, February 16 immediately following the Worship Service for the purpose of voting on the Audio Equipment.

Due to the expiration of the emergency response for COVID-19, masks are now optional.                                                                                                 Trustee Ministry

Your financial statements for 2024 are available in the church office.

Let’s Pray About It!
“May this proverb be a driving force
in our daily lives: Much prayer, much
power; little prayer, little power; no
prayer, no power.”
                                              Prayer Partner Ministry

The Christian Calendar
Today is the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany. (Epiphany: twelve days after Christmas; celebrates the visit of the three wise men to the infant Jesus). The color is GREEN. Green symbolizes the renewal of vegetation and generally of living things and the promise of new life. It is used for the Season of Epiphany, between Transfiguration Sunday and the beginning of Lent.
Christian Education Ministry

Please join us for Church School each Sunday morning at 9:30, conference call and in person.

Bible Study – Wednesdays – 12:00 Noon by Conference Call (202) 926-1127 Access Code
72890 and 7:00 p.m. by click to Zoom or Phone.
Meeting ID: 826 1872 3381 Participant ID: # Passcode: 441841
By Phone: 1-929-205-6099 or 1-301-715-8592
You may now support Riverview with your Tithes and Offerings by the use of the Givelify App and Zelle. Please use our email address RiverviewBapt@Verizon.net to access the Zelle account. Be sure to list where the funds are to be credited.

The Black History Month theme for 2025 is “African Americans in Labor”. A copy of the Executive Summary by ASLH can be found in the vestibule. We will have Black History Moments on the 3rd and 4th Sundays. Please feel free to wear your African American attire throughout the month.
                                                                             Leader Development/Scholarship Ministry
Riverview Family
Maymont Pre-School is in need of pull-ups for the students. Sizes range from 2T- 5T. Please contact Trustee Sandra Allison for more information.

Remember our Sick and Shut-Ins
Arthur Fleming, Jr. - Home
Etta Harvey - Home
Deaconess Jean Herbert - Home
Deacon Woodrow Jackson – Home (Stafford, VA)
Ruth Redwood – Home
O’ndre Roane – Home 


Stewardship  MOMENT

 "The gift without the giver is rare.."

James Russell Lowell


The mission of Riverview Baptist Church is to become a loving, evangelistic church that seeks to glorify God through Worship, Ministry, Christian Education, Missions, Fellowship and Stewardship.

How We Live

We are passionate about offering the  neighborhood as demonstrating God's love to others. Whether personally or online. 

Office Hours

Welcome to Riverview

Riverview Baptist Church

2604 Idlewood Avenue, Richmond VA 23220

Need a Ride?

If you need a ride to church please call the office at 804-353-6135 no later than Thursday of the week.

RVA Page
