The Reverend Dr. Frank Branch III is a native of Norfolk, Va. He received his early education in the Norfolk Public School system. He earned the Bachelor of Science degree from Norfolk State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Technology. After graduating from Norfolk State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Technology, Dr. Branch dedicated himself to becoming academically and spiritually prepared for a life of Christian service. H was licensed at Dr. Frank Guns, Sr. and the Abyssinia Baptist Church and later ordained by Abyssinia Baptist Church in Norfolk, VA and the Old Dominion General Missionary Baptist Association.
Dr. Branch graduated with honors from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology - Virginia Union University with a Master of Divinity degree. He later graduated from the Union Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology in Systematic Theology. He has furthered his studies at Wesley Theological Seminary, with a concentration in Spirituality and Community Transformation and received his Doctor of Ministry degree from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology - Virginia Union University with a focus in Preaching and Spiritual Formation.
Dr. Branch’s ministerial experience includes serving as Senior Pastor at churches in Virginia and Maryland. He has also served as a trustee, Youth Pastor, Minster of Christian Education, and Assistant to the Pastor at Abyssinia Baptist Church. He served as a Chaplain with Chaplain Services of the Churches of Virginia, Inc. where he was assigned to two Virginia criminal justice institutions—Beaumont Learning Center, Goochland and Bon Air Learning Center, Richmond.
Other experiences of Dr. Branch include founder, President and C.E.O. of Iama Family Life and Educational Center, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to alleviating poverty and crime through education and job training; Associate Professor of Doctrine and Theology with the School of Ministry, Inc. Norfolk; Adjunct Professor of Humanities at Hampton University; Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship with the Evans-Smith Institute of the School of Theology, Virginia Union University; and Pre-release Trainer/Counselor for the STOP Organization/Virginia CARES, Inc. Dr. Branch has served as the President of the Minister’s Council for Area 1 of the American Baptist Churches of the South (ABCOTS) of the American Baptist Convention-USA and has served as the Vice-Moderator of Area I for ABCOTS.
Dr. Branch is married to Rev. Lyvette Johnson-Branch, Esq. and they are the proud parents of five offspring and two grandchildren.